New at Mattr: Social Search and Sentiment

After another impressive feature push from the Mattr developers this week, we thought it was an ideal time to share some of our most exciting platform updates over the last month (all suggested by YOU) in more detail.  Here’s the latest:

Social Search

On the ‘Navigation Bar’, you will now notice a new tab called ‘Social Search’.  This feature allows you to search live across social networks to identify influencers outside of our influencer pool. Although we currently have over 22 million influencers, you may sometimes come across certain content or topics that need more hashing out to identify more influencers. Or, someone new to a social network has grown their audience very quickly and has a high relevance score for content around your brand, and therefore, needs to be added as an influencer.

Anybody we’ve missed that you would like to add to the pool, simply click the favorite button and they are in.


Filter by Sentiment

A search feature that we briefly removed, and realized we needed back! You can once again filter by sentiment to keep track of how positive, negative or neutral influencers tend to be regarding a certain search term. This is helpful to track content and influencers for your own brand or your competitors.

Thanks for all of the feedback regarding new features — it’s what motivates us to improve each week!

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