Looking for something surprising, I checked them out in our updated segmentation app to see how their tweets fared in September. Of all the highest-engaged tweets, I was surprised that this one hit a massive 46% negative response.
Some Background. Our app segments a brand’s social audience (Twitter, in this instance), including a qualitative measure, “Brand Personality”. Marketers can target under-engaged segments, for example, then see how targeted content or campaigns were received by that persona. The app is priced to be super-accessible, which means “cheap”, to real people.
In this case, Men responded poorly to this tweet.
What this Means: For this male-gender Persona who didn’t respond well to the tweet, 33% have the “Reliable” Brand Personality trait, 67% are young parents, and about two-thirds come from somewhere other than the US, Canada, or the UK. Their sentiment is 6.6, or 66% negative, compared to a benchmark of 68% positive. It’s a small sample size, but for such highly-targeted functionality, it’s far better and can be indicative of a trend.
Digging a little deeper, let’s look at their Benchmarked Interests just for Media:
What this Means: The “KAPOW’ red exclamation icon means that the interest is a “Benchmark Alert”, which means that the percentage of followers is higher than the benchmarked twitter following. This puts things in nice perspective for you and also can provide opportunistic media values – those under-served media that might be cheaper. In this specific case, you might want to talk to these Persona with a different tone.
Segment your audience in hours — not weeks or months — all without asking questions. Craft campaigns and products that appeal to their personalities and unique interests.
First we read that men are making gains in traditionally-female gender activities like grocery shopping. They’re called, “Manfluencers”. Funny label; important subject for marketers.
And now we see that Brands are again figuring out that women play a very large role in purchasing decisions. This is not really news, but rather where women are making gains is pretty interesting.
On a mission to find something surprising, we built some female Personas in the traditionally “manly” Brands loaded in the Mattr app. FYI, Mattr does this using 100% public Twitter data, which means no surveys or focus groups and their attendant biases.
Unsurprisingly, all of these female Personas were segmented into the “Daring” Brand Personality.
Three Brands Women are Excited About
3. @NFL: 30%
What this means: 30% of the people who engaged with @NFL during the month were women, with 60% having the Daring Brand Personality, 55% are 18-24 years old, 56% are parents, and 91% tweeted from the U.S.
@NFL Media Benchmark
What this means: This “Benchmark Alert” means that 26% of the Female Persona for @NFL follows Adam Schefter, which is significantly more that the general populace of Twitter.
Kind of the Go-to-Hell-Justin Bieber metric.
2. @Jeep: 35%
@Jeep Media Benchmark
*Note that @FastCompany was ranked #13 in popularity among this Persona but it’s the top-ranked Benchmarked interest for Media. This infers that it could be a highly-leverageable media buy for @Jeep.
1. @Redbull: 43%
@Redbull Media Benchmark
Whether you choose Manfluencers or these Female Personas, if you target Personas that are trending up in surprising Brands you might find your marketing efforts rewarded.
Segment your audience in hours — not weeks or months — all without asking questions. Craft campaigns and products that appeal to their personalities and unique interests.
People should feel something when they see your ads or content. And yet when your target audience sees or reads your content–your ads or product copy–you get the equivalent of glazed-over eyes during a boring presentation.
Do you get this look?
Is it because you described your product? You listed all its amazing features of which you are rightfully proud. But people want to hear how your product will affect them – not the list of functions.
To illustrate the storytelling-versus-features list difference, imagine writing an ad to sell your dog. Here’s my “before” copy for Ella:
“Dog for sale. 115 pounds, 30″ high at the shoulders. Hardly sheds. Eats no more than 20 pounds of food per month!”
It’s an accurate description with good selling points, but I felt nothing reading it.
Ella, Mattr’s Shop Dog
Let’s tell a story, instead:
“My flight home from JFK left late which, together with the strong headwinds, means I’ll get home around 1 a.m. As I walk to my car in the dark, the air is cold, sooty and heavy, more like San Francisco than Austin. On the drive home, I start thinking about the week. It was just ok. It may have been worth the investment but I’m not positive.
I’m wiped, but that taunting 3 a.m. wake up will surely haunt me tonight, feeding on my anxieties. Crap.
I pull in the driveway, the front light is off so I fumble my keys to find the lock. There’s all sorts of crap in the entryway because our bedroom flooded and the furniture is all over the house. I stub my damn toe on an effing bed rail and let loose a tense string of cuss words. I almost want my wife or daughter to wake up and see what upset me. Give me company.
Of course, Ella, my Great Dane, wakes up. She comes wagging with the quiet confidence of a friend who knows when not to talk, and blocks me from going anywhere until I give her some attention.
Great Danes are very effective at this.
I give her a hard, long neck hug. Her nails slide along the floor and her front feet lose purchase but I hold her upright even tighter, she nuzzles me, coos softly.
I make my way to the sofa with a glass of beer and she lightly steps up with that surprising grace of a 280 pound linebacker, and contorts herself into an impossibly small area for her size. Great Danes are very effective at this, too. Her coat smells damp and her belly, when I scratch it, like Fritos. Better than Fritos.
She gently lays her heavy warm head on my lap. She sighs big. I sigh big. Without realizing it, I’m following her steady breathing until we breathe in a steady, synchronized cadence.
I sleep like a ten year old boy and wake up happy at 8 a.m., feeling fortunate that I have this dog.
Sure it’s corny, but I’m starting simple.
Four Hints to Engage their Emotions
Determine the negative emotions your audience experiences that your Brand could fix, eg., anxiety, sadness, frustration, loneliness.
Remember the formula: Beginning = bad, Middle = you came, End = it was great
Make sure your audience can relate to the benefactor-protagonist in your story. If you’re talking to mid-level marketers, help one of them out instead of the Chief Marketing Officer.
Keep it real and simple. That story about Ella and me could be captured in an image and one line of copy, or a six-second Vine, if I were talented enough.
Everything is a Story
Your Brand story could be you, interviewing for a job, or a pitch for a campaign to your agency’s biggest client, or for a budget increase to your boss. It could be the new share feature that makes the consumer feel a part of a community, or the service that helped a product manager launch her product on time.
If you take a deep breath before launching into the feature list, you can create the story that they’ll love.
We’ll take a look at where Breaking Bad’s fans may go next. Here’s the first of a series.
Breaking did it – they raised the bar for you, the digital strategist. Any product or campaign or show you pitch must include your social strategy. You need to prove that your pitch is good; that you can appeal to the loudest fans of your product or show.
You don’t have time for long market research studies
Deep down, you don’t really think they’re that good, anyway, because you always end up falling back on traditional demos.
You really want to be able to pitch that you know:
Who they are; their “brand personality”
Their niche interests
The tone that they respond to most
All tough questions. We’ll knock out the first one today, using the Persona builder in the Mattr app tool (it’s in private beta now).
1. They’re Daring
Breaking Bad’s top engagers on Twitter from the Mattr brands app
What this means: Breaking’s top brand personality is Daring. 55% of these Daring types are young, 75% are parents, 60% are male, and 79% are located in the US.
These are people who interacted with one or more tweets from @BreakingBad_AMC in August. So they’re real people. Since our results need to be accurate to 95% or more, the total sample set is about 20% of all interactions.
2. They’re Parents
3. They’re Sophisticated
The next post will go into a bit more detail on Brand personalities — the copy that appeals to them or turns them off. If you’d like to know how we do it, or get in to the beta, hit the Mattr site and sign up. We’re releasing about 5 invites per day.
Segment your audience in hours — not weeks or months — all without asking questions. Craft campaigns and products that appeal to their personalities and unique interests.
This article in The Week outlines how the research was done. Basically 15.4 million Facebook messages from 75,000 people were analyzed. Take a look at the image above to see what a productionalized version of personality, demographics, and Interests looks like.
We use the term, “Personas”.
Young : Old
How nice are you? “Stupid freakin damn”: “Family and Friends”
2. How self-centered are you? “I” : “We”
3. Who you shower affection on: “Baby” : “Cat and Dog”
4. Question words: “When and Why” : “Who and “How”
Segment your audience in hours — not weeks or months — all without asking questions. Craft campaigns and products that appeal to their personalities and unique interests.